How it works

From the carving of the first stone, humankind has always used the same approach to problems solving or decision making: a three steps process:

1 - grasp the knowledge involved in the problem
2 - understand of all the aspects of the problem
3 - make a decision, take action

Any progress is happening through iterations of those three steps: know, understand, decide.

In technological terms, the three steps translate to:



The Process
From the data produced by the daily operation of the company we create a model of the operation. The resources are placed in their geographical locations, with the partners, subcontractors, etc.
If we are working with an organisation managing a networked infrastructure such as transportation, energy distribution, municipality, etc., the network is models on the map, with its time data (evolution, operational statistics), and topology.
The graphs of flows are then integrated into the geographical model or digital twin.
The model of the operation is then passed over IA and industry experts, Working together they detect the optimisation vectors, the risks factors, etc. Our team can build computer simulations to tests recommended solutions.
To be efficient requires a good knowledge of the industry sector if the customer, and preferably of the organisation itself. (specific processes or technics, corporate culture, etc). Our strategy is to adresse each industries and regions with partners already operating on the market we are addressing.
The optimisation phase can involve simple recommandations, up to developing software implementing new methods and practices.
The platform used during the two first phases is released to the customer for a continued monitoring of his operation.
Pour platform is released to the customer, customised to its needs and specifics. In a changing world, today's best fitting solutions might loose efficiency as time goes. Your platform allows monitoring the operation, cycling the three steps Model, Analyse, Optimise.
With our platform, our customers can keep their operations at its optimum.
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